Tutis Balance Bike
BB02 Cloud Blue
BB01 Yellow
The New Tutis Balance Bike is a dream come true for little adventurers. Designed for kids 90-115cm tall, this bike ensures every ride is a joyful experience. With its sturdy 12-inch wheels, your child glides effortlessly, gaining confidence with each push. The anti-skid handles provide a secure grip, keeping tiny hands safe and steady.
Key Features:
- Height Fit: Designed for children 90-115cm tall
- Wheels: Robust 12-inch wheels for smooth, stable rides
- Handles: Anti-skid handles for a secure, comfortable grip
- Footrest: Thoughtfully designed footrest for easy coasting and balancing
- Skill Development: Ideal for developing essential motor skills and fostering independence
- Safety: Enhanced safety features for worry-free riding
- Construction: Durable and sturdy build for long-lasting use
- Experience: A perfect companion for early adventures, providing confidence and joy to young riders.